Dačić visits Serbian Army memorials in Greece

Ivica Dačić has visited Greek islands of Corfu and Vido and laid a wreath at a mausoleum on Vido dedicated to the WW1-era soldiers of the Serbian Kingdom.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 27.09.2013.


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VIDO Ivica Dacic has visited Greek islands of Corfu and Vido and laid a wreath at a mausoleum on Vido dedicated to the WW1-era soldiers of the Serbian Kingdom. The commemoration of the day in World War I when the Serbian army landed from Allied transport ships on the Greek islands after retreating through Albania was attended by the mayor and citizens of Corfu and representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church, military and police. Dacic visits Serbian Army memorials in Greece “This is where Serbia was dying and where Serbia should be remembering (its history). And here Serbia should live, live for those who gave their lives for it,” the prime minister said in his address to the gathering. Recalling the events of the retreat, the Serbian prime minister said that the undefeated Serbian army and some of the displaced civilian population found refuge in the friendly Greece, which opened its heart and embraced the heroes of the new century. He pointed to the historical fact that only one in five of the 750,000 Serbian soldiers who went to war managed to reach Corfu and the victory in the war cost Serbia more than a million deaths and the loss of half of its male population. A large portion of the Serbian soldiers who reached the Greek islands died from exhaustion, food shortage, and various diseases and most of their remains were buried at sea near Vido, at the mouth of the port of Corfu. “An entire Serbia was buried nameless in this blue grave,” Dacic said. “It was a war in which Serbia became famous, a time when (Mustafa Kemal) Ataturk and (Eleftherios) Venizelos compared it to the Spartans, when German Emperor Wilhelm said he would like to have Serbia as an ally, and the French parliament resounded with the words 'Long live Serbia',” said Dacic. “The Albanian Golgotha and the stay of the Serbs on Corfu and Vido from 1916 until 1918 is woven into the collective conscience of our people as a period of ancient tragedy, unselfish heroism and true humanity,” the Serbian prime minister said. (Tanjug) Tanjug

Dačić visits Serbian Army memorials in Greece

“This is where Serbia was dying and where Serbia should be remembering (its history). And here Serbia should live, live for those who gave their lives for it,” the prime minister said in his address to the gathering.

Recalling the events of the retreat, the Serbian prime minister said that the undefeated Serbian army and some of the displaced civilian population found refuge in the friendly Greece, which opened its heart and embraced the heroes of the new century.

He pointed to the historical fact that only one in five of the 750,000 Serbian soldiers who went to war managed to reach Corfu and the victory in the war cost Serbia more than a million deaths and the loss of half of its male population.

A large portion of the Serbian soldiers who reached the Greek islands died from exhaustion, food shortage, and various diseases and most of their remains were buried at sea near Vido, at the mouth of the port of Corfu.

“An entire Serbia was buried nameless in this blue grave,” Dačić said.

“It was a war in which Serbia became famous, a time when (Mustafa Kemal) Ataturk and (Eleftherios) Venizelos compared it to the Spartans, when German Emperor Wilhelm said he would like to have Serbia as an ally, and the French parliament resounded with the words 'Long live Serbia',” said Dačić.

“The Albanian Golgotha and the stay of the Serbs on Corfu and Vido from 1916 until 1918 is woven into the collective conscience of our people as a period of ancient tragedy, unselfish heroism and true humanity,” the Serbian prime minister said.

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