"Parade should be held regardless of security assessment"

The Organization Board of the 2013 Pride Week says the march of the LGBT population scheduled for Sept. 28 should be held regardless of security assessments.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 24.09.2013.


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BELGRADE The Organization Board of the 2013 Pride Week says the march of the LGBT population scheduled for Sept. 28 should be held regardless of security assessments. Addressing the news conference, Goran Miletic said that the security assessment drawn up last week is positive, but even a negative one should not be a reason not to stage Pride Parade. "Parade should be held regardless of security assessment" "We have not seen a security assessment, but we learned from unofficial sources that it is positive," Miletic said and added that an appendix was prepared a few days ago but its contents are not known to the public. Miletic said that the Pride Organization Board does not agree with any negative security assessment because it must not be a reason to cancel the parade and should instead serve as a sign to the police to do their job well. Director of the Youth Human Rights Initiative Maja Micic voiced some of the requests of LGBT population, starting from the request for every police station to have an official who would be in charge of persecution of threats against LGBT individuals and who would continue the persecution of all those who threatened them or took part in violent acts during the previous parades. Micic said that the government should adopt laws which will aim to improve the position of members of the LGBT population, and a national strategy against violence, with a special section which covers violence against members of the LGBT population. (Tanjug) Tanjug

"Parade should be held regardless of security assessment"

"We have not seen a security assessment, but we learned from unofficial sources that it is positive," Miletić said and added that an appendix was prepared a few days ago but its contents are not known to the public.

Miletić said that the Pride Organization Board does not agree with any negative security assessment because it must not be a reason to cancel the parade and should instead serve as a sign to the police to do their job well.

Director of the Youth Human Rights Initiative Maja Mićić voiced some of the requests of LGBT population, starting from the request for every police station to have an official who would be in charge of persecution of threats against LGBT individuals and who would continue the persecution of all those who threatened them or took part in violent acts during the previous parades.

Mićić said that the government should adopt laws which will aim to improve the position of members of the LGBT population, and a national strategy against violence, with a special section which covers violence against members of the LGBT population.

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