Spain, Slovakia reject EP resolution

Spain rejects the European Parliament resolution inviting EU members that have not recognized Kosovo's unilateral independence to do so.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 07.02.2009.


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Spain rejects the European Parliament resolution inviting EU members that have not recognized Kosovo's unilateral independence to do so. Madrid will not recognize Kosovo, Spanish Ambassador in Belgrade Ignatio De Palacio Espana told Tanjug on Friday. Spain, Slovakia reject EP resolution He said that Spain's position not to recognize Kosovo Albanians' proclamation of independence "would not change even after the adoption of the resolution by the European Parliament". "Most UN members do not recognize Kosovo's independence. Just 54 of 194 have recognized. The EP resolution is not mandatory and was adopted by a narrow majority, which indicated that there was a division within the institution on the issue of Kosovo's independence," the Spanish ambassador said. Espana added that Spain respected the stand of those states that had recognized Kosovo, but that it did not share their view and would not change its position. Slovakia also announced that it continues to refuse to recognize Kosovo. The resolution, adopted by the European Parliament on Thursday, does not affect Bratislava's position on that issue, Slovak Foreign Ministry spokesman Jan Skoda has said. The adoption of the new EP resolution, that has not been backed by the Slovak MEPs, does not change anything in Slovakia's position, Skoda told TASR news agency. On Friday, Greece also announced it was unmoved by the EP call. EU member states Slovakia, Greece, Romania and Cyprus did not recognize the unilateral declaration.

Spain, Slovakia reject EP resolution

He said that Spain's position not to recognize Kosovo Albanians' proclamation of independence "would not change even after the adoption of the resolution by the European Parliament".

"Most UN members do not recognize Kosovo's independence. Just 54 of 194 have recognized. The EP resolution is not mandatory and was adopted by a narrow majority, which indicated that there was a division within the institution on the issue of Kosovo's independence," the Spanish ambassador said.

Espana added that Spain respected the stand of those states that had recognized Kosovo, but that it did not share their view and would not change its position.

Slovakia also announced that it continues to refuse to recognize Kosovo.

The resolution, adopted by the European Parliament on Thursday, does not affect Bratislava's position on that issue, Slovak Foreign Ministry spokesman Jan Skoda has said.

The adoption of the new EP resolution, that has not been backed by the Slovak MEPs, does not change anything in Slovakia's position, Skoda told TASR news agency.

On Friday, Greece also announced it was unmoved by the EP call.

EU member states Slovakia, Greece, Romania and Cyprus did not recognize the unilateral declaration.

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