Albanian president visits Kosovo
Albanian President Bamir Topi arrived early this morning in Kosovo, where he kicks off a three-day visit.
Friday, 25.01.2008.

Albanian President Bamir Topi arrived early this morning in Kosovo, where he kicks off a three-day visit. Topi was taken to the grave of former Kosovo president Ibrahim Rugova to pay his respects, upon his arrival to Pristina. Albanian president visits Kosovo Topi will meet with UNMIK Chief Joachim Ruecker and Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu today. He will later address members of the Kosovo Parliament after which he will be awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Pristina. Topi will be named an honorary citizen of Pristina tomorrow and will also visit the cities of Prizren and Pec.
Albanian president visits Kosovo
Topi will meet with UNMIK Chief Joachim Ruecker and Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu today.He will later address members of the Kosovo Parliament after which he will be awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Priština.
Topi will be named an honorary citizen of Priština tomorrow and will also visit the cities of Prizren and Peć.
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