Bosniak leader accuses Serbia

Serbia has dispatched a diplomatic note to Bosnia demanding an end of a campaign against the International Court of Justice ruling.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 30.04.2007.


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Bosniak leader accuses Serbia

In response, Bosniak member of the Bosnian Presidency Haris Silajdžić described the note as Serbia’s attempt to deny Bosnia its rights rooted in the international legal order.

“The request is illegitimate given Serbia’s refusal to submit all documentation relevant to the case. All Bosnian leaders are thus entitled to insist that these documents be made public,” Silajdžić said.

Silajdžić added that the International Court of Justice for the first time in its history ruled that a state failed to abide by the 1948 Genocide Convention.

“Serbia has been violating the convention for fifteen years now, and two months following the proclamation of the ICJ judgment it still refuses to comply with its terms,” Silajdžić argued referring to Serbia’s failure to “prosecute and punish the genuine perpetrators of wartime massacres in Bosnia.”

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