Hague prosecution rests in two trials

The prosecution will rest its case in the trial of General Dragomir Milošević, and in the Kosovo Six trial.

Izvor: SENSE

Monday, 30.04.2007.


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Hague prosecution rests in two trials

Once he completes his evidence, the prosecution will rest its case at the trial of Milan Milutinović, Nikola Šainović, Dragoljub Ojdanić, Nebojša Pavković, Vladimir Lazarević and Sreten Lukić.

Next week the prosecution will rest its case at the trial of General Dragomir Milošević, former Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) Sarajevo-Romanija Corps commander, charged with artillery and sniper terror campaign in Sarajevo from August 1994 to the end of war in Bosnia.

At the hearing scheduled for Tuesday, the parties will exchange arguments on what has been proved and what has not in their view. The Trial Chamber said that at the hearing it would deliver the oral decision specifying what the defense would have to contest in the course of its case.

The defense case is expected to begin after a two to three weeks break. If the Trial Chamber decides that the prosecution has failed to present enough evidence on to some counts in the indictment, the defense will not be obliged to respond to those allegations. If the Trial Chamber decides that nothing has been proved, then General Milošević would be acquitted at “the half-time” in the trial.

Next week the prosecution continues its case at the trial of seven Bosnian Serb military and police officers charged with genocide and other crimes in Srebrenica and Žepa in July 1995.

The prosecution will also continue its case at the trial of six former Bosnian Croat leaders charged with the HVO crimes in Central Bosnia and Western Herzegovina in 1993 and 1994.

There will be a new status conference on Wednesday in the case against Vojislav Šešelj, Serbian Radical Party leader charged with crimes committed in Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Vojvodina.

In this case the status conferences are scheduled every few weeks, instead of every 120 days, as required by Tribunal Rules, to speed up the preparations for the trial. This is because the accused had been on hunger strike at the end of last year.

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