Bodies of 17 JNA members identified

The Republic of Srpska (RS) Office for Missing and Detained Persons identified the bodies of 17 Yugoslav Army (JNA) members.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 28.04.2007.


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Bodies of 17 JNA members identified

The incident occurred 15 years ago when an extremist Muslim organization known as the Patriotic League, supposedly in co-operation with local authorities in Tuzla, attacked the column of JNA vehicles as they were leaving Tuzla in an attempt to reach Serbia via Bijeljina.

The armed attack was broadcast live on a local television station, where it could be clearly seen that the shots came even from the hospital building in Tuzla. As many as 200 JNA soldiers and officers were killed, and 140 were detained and subsequently abused.

Žarko Radić, the chairman of the Bijeljina-based Association of families of missing persons said it was almost impossible to precisely assess the number of persons buried in the Crypt since the coffins often contained remains of several persons.

The Bosnian Prosecution said investigation into the involvement of the then Tuzla municipal authorities was underway. Nonetheless, no one has yet faced justice for the attack.

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