B92.net learns: New details of the drama in Ruma VIDEO/PHOTO

A train at the railway station in Ruma derailed this morning, B92.net learns.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 26.02.2024.


B92.net learns: New details of the drama in Ruma VIDEO/PHOTO
Foto: b92.net

B92.net learns: New details of the drama in Ruma VIDEO/PHOTO

Four wagons transporting phosphoric acid derailed, and as we learned from the reporter at the scene, no one was injured.

Members of the police and fire department are on the scene. The process of returning the wagons to the rails is underway, and as B92.net has learned, there was no spill of phosphoric acid.

For now, the extent of the damage is unknown, and an investigation is underway to determine all the details of the accident.

Serbia Cargo: There was no leakage, no danger

The company Srbija Kargo announced itself and pointed out that on that occasion there were no leaks, overturning, or fumes, and that there was no danger to human life or the environment.

The second, third, fourth and fifth tank cars slipped from the locomotive, two of which slipped with two axles, and the remaining two with four axles. The cargo composition included 12 tank wagons, which are owned by Elixir company and were traveling from Prahovo to Šabac.

The teams of the Ministry of the Interior, fire rescue teams, as well as the Joint Railway Commission for the Investigation of Extraordinary Events of the Railway Infrastructure of Serbia and Serbia Cargo, which will determine the cause of this accident, came to the scene, it was stated in the announcement.

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