The autopsy of the baby who died due to obstetric violence was completed

An autopsy findings of baby Elena, whose mother Marica Mihajlović accused doctor M.M. from Sremska Mitrovica of obstetric violence, was completed.

Izvor: Telegraf

Tuesday, 23.01.2024.


The autopsy of the baby who died due to obstetric violence was completed
Foto: Profimedia

The autopsy of the baby who died due to obstetric violence was completed

Marica Mihajlović and her husband took over the findings and told that the death occurred due to a violent childbirth. "We took the autopsy findings, the baby's death occurred due to a violent birth, Elena's head underwent contusion," she revealed.

As further stated, Telegraf had access to the report of the pediatrician of the Pediatric Clinic of the Institute for Health Care of Children and Youth of Vojvodina based on the autopsy findings.

It states that the girl's death occurred at 4 hours and 38 minutes, describes the entire course of events, and the conclusion of the forensic pathologist is conveyed in its entirety:

"Based on the clinical course and the autopsy findings, we are of the opinion that the unfavorable outcome was due to severe perinatal asphyxia of the fetus and massive aspiration of meconium, and the consequent occurrence of bilateral pneumothorax and bilateral suprarenal hemorrhage. The presence of a Subgaleal hematoma (SGHs) was also verified." Marica Mihajlović also stated that their family should call a lawyer, and that they will not stop until justice is served and doctor M.M. is punished.

"I would like all of this to be resolved as soon as possible, we should also contact a lawyer, we will not stop until the doctor is punished," she said. Let us remind you that after the confession of Marica Mihajlović, who accused the gynecologist M.M. of obstetric malpractice and the death of the baby, extraordinary surveillance was initiated at the hospital in Sremska Mitrovica, and the gynecologist M.M. was taken into custody.

The case of the doctor from Sremska Mitrovica, whose actions were investigated by the inspection of the Ministry of Health, is in the public's focus.

About what were their findings, and what measures were taken, as well as why the Medical Chamber of Serbia remains silent in connection with this case, in the show "Uranak" on television K1 this morning, the Minister of Health, prof. Dr. Danica Grujičić had spoken.

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