Serbia votes: The last hour; RIC announced new turnout projections

Today in Serbia, elections are being held for members of the Assembly of Serbia, as well as local elections in 65 municipalities and cities, including Belgrade.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 17.12.2023.


Serbia votes: The last hour; RIC announced new turnout projections
Foto: RINA

Serbia votes: The last hour; RIC announced new turnout projections

Today in Serbia, elections are being held for members of the Assembly of Serbia and the Assembly of Vojvodina, as well as local elections in 65 municipalities and cities, including Belgrade.

Vladimir Dimitrijević said tonight that according to the law, the preliminary voting results will be announced within 24 hours from the closing of the polling stations.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić arrived at the premises of the Serbian Progressive Party

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić arrived at the premises of the Serbian Progressive Party in New Belgrade.

Cesid/Ipsos projections: Turnout by 7 p.m. 55.9 percent

According to the latest IPSOS/CeSID data, 55.9 percent of voters, out of a sample of 94.9 percent, voted by 7 p.m.

In Belgrade, the turnout by 7 p.m. was 54.3 percent, while in the last election it was 54.8 percent.

When it comes to turnout in the provincial elections, 56.3 percent of voters turned out so far, while last year by 7 p.m., 58.9 percent had turned out.

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