Part of the parents of the children killed in "Ribnikar" are protesting today PHOTO

Parents whose children were killed in the massacre on May 3 at "Vladislav Ribnikar" and parents who support them, gathered in front of the school this morning.

Izvor: Blic, Novosti

Wednesday, 29.11.2023.


Part of the parents of the children killed in

Part of the parents of the children killed in "Ribnikar" are protesting today PHOTO

Part of the parents whose children were killed in the massacre on May 3 at the "Vladislav Ribnikar" Elementary School and the parents who support them, gathered in front of the school this morning.

They expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that no decision has been made to turn part of the school into a Memorial Center.

Some of the parents started the initiative to turn the school into a Memorial Center, while the others are of the opinion that only the classroom and its entrance should be memorialized. The Government's conclusion on the construction of the memorial center was adopted on June 1, 2023.

Just to reiterate, on June 1st, the Government of Serbia made a decision that "Vladislav Ribnikar" Primary School, where the mass murder took place on May 3rd, will remain a school and that it will get a memorial part.

"Our education system was created with the goal of providing adequate support to all students, encouraging them on their learning journey and enabling them to grow into healthy, aware and responsible individuals. At this time, it is more important than ever that we focus on what is best for our children, because they deserve our complete support, love and care. Taking this into account, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, due to the tragedies that deeply affected the entire society, made the decision to end the school year on June 6 in all primary and secondary schools in Serbia... The Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School will remain a school. It will be reconstructed and during the reconstruction process, a memorial part will be built in memory of the children and the school guard, who showed exceptionality every day at that school," it was announced at the time from the Government. star_border


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