USA determined: "We are not sending the army. Period"

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said Washington has "absolutely no intention" of sending its combat units to Israel or Gaza.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 30.10.2023.


USA determined:
Foto: Profimedia

USA determined: "We are not sending the army. Period"

"We have absolutely no intention, no plans, to send the military into Israel or Gaza. Period," Harris said in an interview with CBS that aired Sunday.

Harris, who is well-informed about the crisis in the Middle East, says that she adheres closely to the approach of the presidential administration, which is to support Israel to defend itself, but at the same time to protect civilians. According to most estimates, at least 1,400 Israelis were killed.

Israel, without any doubt, has the right to self-defense. Also, it is very important to separate Hamas and the Palestinian people, who deserve equal measures of security, self-determination and dignity.

We were very clear when we said that the rules of war must be respected and that humanitarian aid must be distributed unhindered," the U.S. Vice President said. Amid concerns that the conflict could spread beyond the Gaza Strip, Harris repeated U.S. President Joseph Biden's warning to Iran not to interfere.

"Don't. One word. Very clear," Harris said. In the second part of the interview, Harris dismissed questions about the age of Biden, who will turn 81 on November 20, that is, whether he will remain healthy until the next election, in November next year.

"I don't have time to guess whether any Democrat could replace him. I won't deal with that at all, because Biden is very lively and is running for re-election," said Harris.

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