Trial of Miroslav Aleksić: the defendant will question Milena Radulović today

The trial of Miroslav Mika Aleksić, accused of rape and illicit sexual acts against seven girls, continues today in the High Court in Belgrade.

Izvor: Novosti

Thursday, 19.10.2023.


Trial of Miroslav Aleksić: the defendant will question Milena Radulović today
Foto: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages

Trial of Miroslav Aleksić: the defendant will question Milena Radulović today

The injured party in this court case, actress Milena Radulović, should continue her testimony.

At the last hearing, she answered the questions of Aleksić's defense attorney, and today he should finish his interrogation.

As announced, Aleksić will also ask Milena some questions, although he gave up on that when two other girls testified at some earlier testimonies.

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