Media: Investigation of the massacre in Rubnikar at hault; Father V.K. to be released

Father of K.K. who killed his peers and the guard in Vladislav Ribnikar, could soon be released because the investigation against him has not yet been completed

Izvor: Blic

Tuesday, 03.10.2023.


Media: Investigation of the massacre in Rubnikar at hault; Father V.K. to be released

Media: Investigation of the massacre in Rubnikar at hault; Father V.K. to be released

As claimed by Blic, the Institute of Forensic Medicine, even after numerous requests from the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, did not submit the ballistics medical expertise, which is crucial for making the decision to indict the father of K.K., V.K.

"The prosecutor's office ordered that a medical ballistics examination be performed, which should indicate the manner of death of the victims of the killer boy, as well as the gunshot wounds and from which weapon they were received. That expertise should confirm the suspicions that the killer boy shot with a gun that his father had in his legal possession," said a source familiar with the case.

However, as Blic further states, that expert examination has not been completed.

"In the last two months, the competent prosecutor's office has written a number of urgent requests and demands that it be delivered as soon as possible, because without it, a decision cannot be made on the possible filing of an indictment against the father due to the suspicion that he did not keep a secured weapon. During that time, the employees of the Institute went on vacation, without completing the expertise", says the "Blic" source.

The newspaper also states that the prosecution has a deadline to make a decision on this within the next month. Otherwise, the father of the killer boy will be released.

"In the case where the defendant is ordered to be detained in the investigation, the law prescribes the mandatory termination of detention in the event that the prosecutor does not file an indictment within six months. This is the deadline by which the prosecutor is obliged in the event that custody has been ordered for the defendant, and in that case the prosecutor, as well as everyone in the investigation, act with the necessary urgency", lawyer Nikola Ristović explains for "Blic".

According to him, the evidence collected by the prosecutor's office must justify the suspicion that someone has committed the suspected crime.

"It is necessary for the prosecutor to prepare evidence that will slightly increase the suspicion, compared to that which was needed for the very existence of the investigation against a certain person", explains Ristović.

He also adds that if the father of the killer boy is eventually released, the investigation can last until the prosecutor decides to file an indictment or dismiss the criminal complaint. For that, he states, there is no legal deadline.

V.K., the father of the killer boy, is suspected of having trained his son to shoot, of taking him to the shooting range, and of not keeping the weapon properly secured.

His detention was extended at the end of July for another three months, and according to information obtained by Blic, it expires on October 30.

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