The pressure is growing, Albin Kurti's new move: Another Serb arrested

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced today that Serb L.J. from Zvečan was arrested today by the Kosovo police in Jarinje.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Sunday, 01.10.2023.


The pressure is growing, Albin Kurti's new move: Another Serb arrested
Tanjug/AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

The pressure is growing, Albin Kurti's new move: Another Serb arrested

As they stated, he went with his family, friends and compatriots to the funeral of the tragically killed Stefan Nedeljković, who will be sent to his eternal rest in Vrnjačka Banja.

"This inhuman and uncivilized act shows all the anti-Serb nature and the true face of the regime of Albin Kurti and Pristina, for whom nothing is sacred, and they are using even the moment of greatest sadness and grief of the Serbs to oppress and deal with our people," the Office for Kosovo and Metohija states.

It is emphasized that "the graves of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are being demolished and desecrated, and now Serbs are being arrested at the moment when they send their fellow countryman to his eternal rest, which is unprecedented anywhere in the world, but the international community will remain silent on this torture."

"L.J. was taken out of the car he was in for no reason and was taken into custody at the Jarinje crossing, while the rest of the column of Serbs that went to the funeral continued on the way to Vrnjačka Banja," the announcement states.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija has provided a lawyer who is trying to establish all the circumstances of his arrest.

"The moment that Pristina chose to bring L.J. into custody shows the direct and calculated intention of Kurti and his extremists to make life miserable for Serbs, to force them to leave their centuries-old hearths and to ethnically cleanse the north of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbs," Office for Kosovo and Metohija points out.

During all that time, they point out, the international community is silent and silently observes the survival and persecution of Serbs, unwilling to reason with Kurti and prevent him from igniting a powder keg in these areas.

Serb List: Persecution of the Serbian people continues

On the occasion of the arrest of L.J. from Zvečan, the Serbian newspaper announced that the persecution of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija by the regime of Albin Kurti continues despite the silence of the international community.

"In the moment of great mourning in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, incidents are happening every day caused by Kurti's special forces, so after yesterday's beating of three young men in Zubin Potok, today at the administrative crossing of Jarinje, from the convoy of vehicles of citizens who were going to the funeral of the tragically killed Stefan Nedeljković, Lazar Janićijević was dragged out and deprived of his liberty, and taken in an unknown direction," the Serbian List said in a statement.

As they stated, the family and friends were not given any explanation for this behavior of the policemen, nor were they told the reason for his arrest. At this point, the lawyer is trying to find out where he is.

"This kidnapping and the brutality of Kurti's regime is obviously a consequence of the silence of the international community, which now and without hesitation apparently allows everything that Kurti is doing to the Serbian people, which, until a week ago, they did covertly with false calls to Kurti to de-escalate the situation. Now it is clear that in the eyes of KFOR, EULEX, UNMIK and all the fake people who care about human rights, the Serbian people are left at the mercy of Kurti's regime," the statement concluded.

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