Media: Four Serbs arrested in Banjska released

Four people who were arrested after the event in Banjska were released, Pristina media reports.

Izvor: Zeri

Wednesday, 27.09.2023.


Media: Four Serbs arrested in Banjska released
Foto: Tanjug/AP/Visar Kryeziu

Media: Four Serbs arrested in Banjska released

The Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina confirmed that the persons who were arrested were far from the scene of the incident, when the conflict in Banjska occurred between the so-called Kosovo police and Serbs, were released on Tuesday in the absence of evidence presented by the police, reports Zeri.

"Four people, who were arrested during the action of the Kosovo Police, in the village of Banjska in the municipality of Zvečan, far from the scene of the incident, were released yesterday (September 26, 2023) by the Special Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kosovo, in the absence of evidence from the Kosovo police," it was confirmed from prosecutor's office, the media reports.

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