Rebrača: ''I would rather finish ninth than a foreigner winning gold for Serbia''

Former basketball representative Željko Rebrača commented on the possibility of a naturalized player playing for Serbia.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 24.07.2023.


Rebrača: ''I would rather finish ninth than a foreigner winning gold for Serbia''
Foto: Srdjan Stevanovic/ ©

Rebrača: ''I would rather finish ninth than a foreigner winning gold for Serbia''

While we are waiting for the list of coach Svetislav Pešić for Mundobasket, news is coming about the dismissals of key players, first of all Nikola Jokić.

Due to injuries, recovery and obligations in the NBA League, several key players won't join Serbian national team - Vladimir Lučić, Nikola Kalinić and Vasilije Micić.

This once again raised the long-standing topic of whether Serbia, like almost all other countries, should use the right to one foreigner in the national team.

"No! It's not a club. The national team is ours, a team of the best players in the country, and I'd rather be ninth with them than a foreigner playing and bringing us gold. The national selection consists of players who were born in Serbia, it's not a realistic picture of our basketball. There are no favorites. We have potential, but we have to work and stop looking for shortcuts to success, because there aren't any," Rebrača told "Kurir".

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