Total chaos in the Parliament of the so-called Kosovo: MPs attacked Kurti VIDEO

At today's session of Kosovo Parliament, there was a physical confrontation between representatives of the ruling Self-Determination and the opposition parties.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Thursday, 13.07.2023.


Total chaos in the Parliament of the so-called Kosovo: MPs attacked Kurti VIDEO
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Total chaos in the Parliament of the so-called Kosovo: MPs attacked Kurti VIDEO

According to the Pristina media, the incident occurred during a speech by Albin Kurti, the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions. This is not the first time that Kurti has been involved in an incident in the Assembly, but it is known that he once threw tear gas.

Prime Minister of the so-called Kosovo, Albin Kurti, at one point was doused with water and MPs began to gather, after which a fight broke out, writes Koha.

President of the Assembly Glauk Konjufca ordered the police to intervene.

The head of the parliamentary group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Besnik Tahiri, previously criticized the government for the way it manages the situation in the north of the country. He asked Prime Minister Albin Kurti for an answer as to why he had not followed the advice of the US until now.

"Undoubtedly, yesterday is one of the most terrible days in the history of governing our country. It is the day when the government and this assembly were overwhelmed by fear and anger. Prime Minister, yesterday you made the decision to step down after four months of experimentation. After four months since you put Kosovo as the most sanctioned country. After four months of endangering the policemen. Come out and say why you harassed the people and imposed sanctions. Your authority fell to the ground yesterday. You have to come out here and show why you said no to the USA, you went to Bratislava and you managed somehow," says Tahiri.

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