United States at gunpoint: China will attack?

The State Department has warned that China is capable of launching cyberattacks on U.S. infrastructure, including oil, gas and rail systems.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 26.05.2023.


United States at gunpoint: China will attack?

United States at gunpoint: China will attack?

In the warning issued on Wednesday, which came from several countries, it was revealed that Chinese cyber espionage was aimed at military and government organizations in the US, Reuters reported.

The Chinese government has rejected claims it is spying on Western targets, calling the warning from the US and its allies a "collective disinformation campaign".

US officials said they were still in the process of understanding the extent of the threat.

"We've had at least one site that we didn't know (had been attacked) since the information came out," the US National Security Agency's (NSA) cybersecurity director told Reuters.

The NSA has previously disclosed technical details to help providers expose spying.

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) said it was working to understand "the extent of potential intrusions and associated impacts".

Microsoft analysts, who exposed the hacking activities from China and labeled the Chinese group "Volt Typhoon", said that they could disrupt "a key communication structure between the US and Asia", which is a sign of escalating tensions between the US and China over Taiwan. and some other questions.

"The U.S. intelligence community estimates that China is almost certainly capable of launching cyberattacks that could disrupt critical infrastructure inside the U.S.," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said.

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