Shooting at the school in Kosovo and Metohija, Petković reacted

Last night around 10 pm, unknown persons shot in the direction of the yard of Primary School "Ugljare", in the village of Ugljare, near Kosovo Polje in KiM.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 17.05.2023.


Shooting at the school in Kosovo and Metohija, Petković reacted
Foto: Profimedia

Shooting at the school in Kosovo and Metohija, Petković reacted

''Last night around 10 p.m., unknown persons shot in the direction of the yard of Primary School "Ugljare", in the village of Ugljare, near Kosovo Polje in Kosovo and Metohija'', Aleksandar Trajković, President of the Provisional Body of the Municipality of Kosovo Polje, said for Tanjug.

According to Trajković, there were also children in the school yard at the time of the shooting.

No one was injured in the incident.

Kosovo police conducted an investigation, and the case is being investigated.

Ugljare is a predominantly Serbian village.

Petković: Shooting in the direction of the Serbian school in the village of Ugljare - 331st attack on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, said today that the shooting in the direction of the Serbian elementary school in the village of Ugljare in central Kosovo represents the 331st attack on the Serbian environment and the Serbian people in that province, which testifies to the situation in which Serbs and everyone live today in Kosovo and Metohija, primarily non-Albanians.

Petković said on TV Pink that last night around 11 p.m., unknown assailants from a moving vehicle shot in the direction of the Serbian elementary school in Ugljare and that at that moment there were three Roma children in the schoolyard, three boys aged 13, 15 and 17.

"They were unharmed only by sheer luck, given that a weapon was fired in their direction," Petković pointed out and added that the car from which the shot was fired headed in the direction of Preoce, towards the Albanian area.

"That's why dialogue is important to us and we insist on it all the time, in order to save the lives of people on the ground," Petković pointed out.

He emphasized that literally only one spark is needed in Kosovo for things to go in a completely negative direction and assessed that the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Ajbin Kurti, knows and uses this, causing new incidents every day.

According to Petković, Kurti wants to produce some kind of excessive reaction of the Serbian people to Kosovo because he knows that, whatever conflicts and crises break out, the West will always blame Belgrade and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

"And here it is really absolutely true that President Aleksandar Vučić is in a way doubly pressured - on the one hand by the international community, but on the other hand, by our people who live in Kosovo and Metohija, who are waiting and expecting a much stronger reaction from the state of Serbia, and we are doing everything to preserve the peace precisely for the sake of our people in Kosovo and Metohija," said Petković.

According to him, Kurti wants to provoke a reaction on the ground in order to push the state of Serbia and the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija into conflict with the international community.

"The crisis is the only way that suits Kurti to avoid his obligation to form the CSM," said Petković.

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