USA: The establishment of Community of Serbian Municipalities of critical importance

US representative at the UN said that USA, together with its European partners, continues to protect democracy, multi-ethnic societies and the rule of law.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.04.2023.


USA: The establishment of Community of Serbian Municipalities of critical importance

USA: The establishment of Community of Serbian Municipalities of critical importance

'It is a critical question. We support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the mediation of the EU, we appreciate the mediation efforts of Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajčak,'' he said and added that the so-called Kosovo and Serbia took a crucial step by signing the Brussels Agreement.

"We encourage both sides to implement their obligations and bypass the crisis through dialogue. We hope to see more of this spirit at the next meeting on May 2,'' he said.

The US representative pointed out that the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities by the Pristina authorities, in a manner that coincides with the constitution of the so-called Kosovo, a "critically" important part of the implemented agreement. The deputy pointed out that it is time for the UN to take on a more important role when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija.

"We appreciate UNMIK, which has been doing its job since 1999, but we have to say that this mission fulfilled its mandate to the end," said the US representative.

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