Is this the first move by Belgrade? "Serbs didn't show up"

In today's edition of the Greek newspaper "Kathimerini", a column by journalist Stavros Papantoniou was published, under the subtitle "Serbs did not show up".

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.04.2023.


Is this the first move by Belgrade?
Ilustracija: Profimedia

Is this the first move by Belgrade? "Serbs didn't show up"

The comment actually refers to the withdrawal of the Serbian special forces from participating in the multinational military exercise "Orion 23".

The relations between Belgrade and Athens have been affected by the frost, which is inversely proportional to the spring we are experiencing, Papantoniou assessed.

Greece’s abstention (and not a vote against) in the vote on the request of Kosovo and Metohija for admission to the Council of Europe caused unfavorable comments from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, the cancellation of the presence of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić at the planned event, but also, as I understand, the cancellation of the Serbs’ participation in the military exercise – he stated.

Serbian special forces did not appear at "Orion 23", a multinational exercise under the command of GEETHA and the Special Warfare Command, which takes place at the same time as the “INIOCHOS” air exercise.

The Serbs, by the way, declared their participation earlier and, as usual, participated in the preliminary meetings for planning the exercise, Papantoniu said.

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