"Exert pressure on Serbia"

President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, said that the country supports the introduction of visa liberalization in Pristina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 26.04.2023.


EPA/Georgi Licovski EPA/Georgi Licovski

"Exert pressure on Serbia"

He stated that his country, as the chairman of the OSCE, is ready to implement parts of the agreement between the so-called of Kosovo and Serbia achieved in Ohrid, but only with the consent of both parties. When asked what his position is on the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, he said that North Macedonia has an equal relationship with both sides, reports Telma.

Pendarovski at a joint conference with the president of the so-called Kosovo Vjosa Osmani said that North Macedonia and the so-called Kosovo has excellent bilateral cooperation and that this trend should continue because both countries must support each other in their efforts and on the way to European integration.

Vjosa Osmani noted that she was grateful to North Macedonia for its support and pointed out that the two countries are not only geographically close but also have the same vision, as well as that cooperation in all areas between the two countries has the potential to expand and improve.

She expressed the hope that allies and friends of the so-called Kosovo should try to put pressure on Serbia, so that it respects the obligations from the agreements reached, as well as that the mediators of the European Union should take care that what "Serbia agrees to do, is implemented".

When asked what she expects from the upcoming meetings between Belgrade and Pristina on May 2, Vjosa Osmani said that one of the members of the agreement predicts that Serbia will not block the membership of the so-called of Kosovo in international organizations, and that Serbia's behavior in this sense represents a flagrant violation of the agreement.

"That, and of course, their illegal interference in the elections in Kosovo, is also a violation of Article 2 of this agreement... More or less, this shows what we could foresee when it comes to Serbia's behavior. However, I really hope that our friends and allies will make sure that during this period we talk and put pressure on Serbia, so that it also honors the obligations that have been taken from this process,'' said Vjosa Osmani.

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