The child who was held captive by the father was not even registered at school?

The girl (8), who was allegedly held captive by her father U.P. in an apartment in Zvezdara, was not enrolled in any school, the Ministry of Education confirmed

Izvor: RTS

Wednesday, 29.03.2023.


The child who was held captive by the father was not even registered at school?
Foto: Profimedia/Ilustracija

The child who was held captive by the father was not even registered at school?

The child who was held captive by the father was not even enrolled in any school.

That is why, they say, the school could not react to the neglect or inform the authorities, reports RTS.

The ministry specifies that the records of children who should start first grade are kept by the municipality by law. Who made the mistake will be determined, the Ministry of Family Care promises.

"What we will do in the coming period is that we will supervise the professional work of the city center for social work in Belgrade in the procedure that they previously conducted in relation to this family that was on their records, and we will also supervise the actions of the city center for special work in relation to the action after this event", points out Vukota Vlahović from the Ministry of Family Care.

The girl is in the University Children's Clinic in Tiršova, where she was admitted for rehydration.

"She needs it because of severe and long-term malnutrition," they say in this health facility for the media.

The girl was kept in the apartment by her father U.P. (38) for whom a manhunt was called, and everything became known when I.L. (45), with whom he was in an emotional relationship, came to the police station with a broken nose and bruises under her eyes and reported him for violence.

He was then arrested.

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