The USA sent a note to the members of the Committee of Ministers, this is a request

Ministries of foreign affairs of some European countries, members of the Council of Europe, received a note from the embassies of the United States of America.

Izvor: Euronews Serbia

Tuesday, 31.01.2023.


The USA sent a note to the members of the Committee of Ministers, this is a request
Shutterstock/Milan Adzic

The USA sent a note to the members of the Committee of Ministers, this is a request

The note says that Washington believes that the issue of entering the so-called Kosovo's membership of the Council of Europe should not be put on the agenda of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, "Euronews Serbia" has learned from diplomatic sources.

As they state, the USA requests that the issue of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe not be put on the agenda until "Kosovo adopts a more constructive position on the Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM), which would pave the way for the proposal of reaching a basic agreement between Belgrade and Pristina".

The portal also writes that this position of the United States has been agreed with Italy, France and Germany.

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