Fighter jets raised; Russian and Chinese bombers spotted

South Korea raised fighter jets today after two Chinese and six Russian warplanes entered the country's Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ).

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 30.11.2022.


Fighter jets raised; Russian and Chinese bombers spotted

Fighter jets raised; Russian and Chinese bombers spotted

South Korea's military said it scrambled fighter jets as two Chinese and six Russian warplanes entered its air defense zone, Reuters said.

They re-entered the zone two hours later from the Sea of Japan, known in South Korea as the East Sea, together with the Russian warplanes, including TU-95 bombers and SU-35 fighter jets, and left after 18 minutes in the KADIZ.

The planes did not violate South Korea's airspace, it is said.

Japan's Air Self Defence Force also scrambled fighter jets after the Chinese bombers flew from the East China Sea into the Sea of Japan, where they were joined by two Russian drones, Tokyo's defence ministry later said in a press release.

China and Russia have previously said their warplanes were conducting regular joint exercises, as Reuters reports.

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