Croatia, led by Plenković, halted the import of Russian oil to Serbia via Janaf

EU member states voted for the eighth package of sanctions against Russia, aimed at limiting the price of oil Russia exports to third countries outside the EU.

Izvor: Vecernji list

Thursday, 06.10.2022.


Croatia, led by Plenković, halted the import of Russian oil to Serbia via Janaf

Croatia, led by Plenković, halted the import of Russian oil to Serbia via Janaf

At the insistence of Croatia, led by the Prime Minister of that country, Andrej Plenković, the new package of sanctions will also include Serbia, because it will no longer be able to import Russian oil through Janaf.

The Czech presidency of the European Union has confirmed that the member-states, following several days of conversation, adopted the final text of the new package of sanctions against Russia, and unlike the previous version, as the Zagreb-based daily Vecernji list learns from diplomatic sources, the new text does not envisage a derogation that would allow the transit of Russian crude oil through Croatia to the countries of the Western Balkans.

The main reason why the exemption has been left out is the conduct of Serbia regarding the sanctions of the EU against Russia.

"Some countries (Croatia included) were against this derogation, because it could be interpreted as an award to Serbia for its non-harmonization with the positions of the EU and the sanctions against Russia", an EU diplomat stated.

Another reason, according to the diplomatic sources, is that the EU experts, following in-depth analyses, concluded that there was a sufficient diversification of crude oil sources, so a derogation for Serbia and some other countries of the Western Balkans is not needed.

This practically means that Serbia will have to pay for expensive oil because of Croatia and this move.

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