What's the catch in BiH: Waiting for Central Election Commission - Dodik or Trivić?

There are still no final election results from Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 03.10.2022.


What's the catch in BiH: Waiting for Central Election Commission - Dodik or Trivić?
Tanjug/AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic

What's the catch in BiH: Waiting for Central Election Commission - Dodik or Trivić?

Chairman of the Central Election Commission /CEC/ BiH, Suad Arnautović, said that the CEC does not yet have enough data to be able to announce who, according to the preliminary results, has been elected as the President of Republika Srpska.

"We have a unique information system in which data from the municipal election commissions are entered, and if the municipal and city election commissions do not enter a sufficient number of data, it is irrelevant now to announce the results from one or the other municipality," explained Arnautović.

He pointed out that the CEC decided to wait for the system to be filled and for the data for the President of Republika Srpska to be published in the morning at 9:00 a.m.

Arnautovic stated that possible abuses are in the sphere of speculation, stating that the electoral committees are still working and, after the counting, will sign the minutes of their work.

He said that they submit the data to the municipal election commissions, which are obliged to consolidate the results from all polling stations in that municipality and submit them to the CEC.

"If they are faced with filling out the forms, then they demand from the CEC to open the bags and properly consolidate the results for that municipality", explained Arnautović and added that the CEC will then make a decision on whether this will be done, and that it must be done transparently - in the presence of the observers.

Speaking about the delay in the entry of the results, CEC member Irena Hadžiabdić pointed out that the main reason for the delay is the lack of training of the members of the polling boards, and changes in the local election administration.

"The main task on the field that the election commission set before them is to announce the results according to the calendar that we put in front of them, which is 10:30 p.m.," Hadžiabdić said.

Hadžiabdić also said that the results presented by the political parties are based on the information that the members of the electoral committees and observers of the parties submit to their headquarters.

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