Belgrade under siege tomorrow

As many as four major events are scheduled for one and the same day, Saturday, September 17, in the capital of Serbia.

Izvor: Blic

Friday, 16.09.2022.


Belgrade under siege tomorrow
Foto: Depositphotos/uroszunic

Belgrade under siege tomorrow

The events include: the promotion of military graduates, the Formula 1 race, "Europride" and the walk of anti-globalists. The first event starts already at 10 a.m., the last two at 5 p.m., so it is clear that the capital will be under "siege" from the early hours of the morning.

However, all attention is directed at whether "Europride" and the march of "anti-globalists" will pass peacefully and without incidents, writes Blic.

The event with which the LGBT population ends "Europride2022", and at the same time the "most challenging" one, starts in front of the Serbian Parliament and ends on Tašmajdan, and as a counter response to that, a family walk is planned at the same time and in the immediate vicinity.

Although the Interior Ministry banned both manifestations, it did not affect the organizers of either walk to give up. What's more, they call on supporters to gather in as large a number as possible. Aware of possible unfavorable circumstances, competent institutions, such as the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, warn that any gathering of more than 20 citizens will be punished and that, together with the "police administration for the city of Belgrade and the basic public prosecutor's offices, they will take all measures and actions within their jurisdiction to protect the public order and peace, property, as well as the physical integrity of citizens".

The central city streets will be closed to traffic from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., due to the promotion of new officers, namely Takovska Street, then Knez Miloš, Dečanska, Nikola Pašić Square from Terazije to Knez Miloš Street and Boulevard of King Alexander, from Beogradska to Knez Miloš Street. A large number of people are expected, some state officials, some representatives of the diplomatic corps, but also relatives of members of the Armed Forces who will walk through the city streets.

Just as the promotion ends, another event begins - the Formula One race. All of these are events that are not subject to uncertainty, which is not the case with the "Europride2022" walk. As its organizer Goran Miletić announced, the Police ban will not affect its holding, and after their appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was rejected, they filed an appeal with the Administrative Court.

The walk starts on September 17 at 5:00 p.m., in front of the Serbian Parliament, and from there, as originally announced, it will walk along Dečanska to "PrideHouse" in the Youth Center, then to Republic Square, Student Square, Uzun Mirkova, Pariska, Vojvoda Bojović Boulevard to Tašmajdan, where a party is planned.

The presence of the EU rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilčik, as well as the US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, was announced, as well as representatives of the pro-European opposition. As a response to the Pride Parade, a so-called family walk organized by "anti-globalists" was announced, who also did not give up on their gathering despite the police ban.

Their route has not been announced, but the earlier practice was to organize the walk in the vicinity of those against whose gatherings they are protesting. Calls for gatherings have been spreading on social networks for days, but it was also announced that liturgies will be held in churches that are on the route along which "Europride" will walk. The arrival and support for the "family" walk was announced by representatives of right-wing parties such as the "Dveri" and "Zavetnici" movements.

If the visitors of the last two walks find themselves too close to each other, the question is whether there will be incidents, and yesterday the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office reacted to that.

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