"Spain and Greece buried the independence of Kosovo"

The Vice President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, believes that Kosovo had a "golden opportunity" to receive recognition from five EU member states.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Tuesday, 02.08.2022.



"Spain and Greece buried the independence of Kosovo"

The Vice President of the Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija, Enver Hoxhaj, believes that the so-called Until yesterday, Kosovo had a "golden opportunity" to receive recognition from five EU member states that do not recognize it.

As he pointed out, that historic momentum was "buried" on Monday for a longer period of time by the position of Spain and Greece.

"Until yesterday, Kosovo had a golden opportunity to receive the recognition of five EU member states, due to the strategic decline of Russia and the isolation of Serbia. Yesterday's stance in Tirana by the Spanish Prime Minister and the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs in Vietnam against the recognition of independence finally buried the historical momentum and chance," Hoxhaj said on Facebook.

Hoxhaj believes that their "false argument" is hypocrisy and only in the service of Russia and the EU.

"The time before us is the time of loneliness and irresponsibility of Kurti's government," said Hoxhaj.

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