The European Parliament voted a resolution on Serbia

Members of the European Parliament today adopted the Resolution on Serbia by a large majority of votes.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 06.07.2022.


The European Parliament voted a resolution on Serbia
Tanjug/AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias

The European Parliament voted a resolution on Serbia

The resolution expresses support for Serbia's membership in the EU, but calls on official Belgrade to urgently comply with the sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia and Belarus, and this is set as one of the conditions for Serbia's further progress on the road to European integration.

The report of the rapporteur Vladimir Bilčik on Serbia was adopted with 523 votes in favor, 78 against and 34 abstentions.

Although European Parliament adopted rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik’s report on Serbia’s progress towards the European Union, it expressed regret that Belgrade did not align with the EU sanctions policy on Russia, a press release said on Wednesday.

The European Parliament report "strongly regrets that Serbia has not aligned with EU sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and calls on the newly elected authorities to urgently align with the EU’s decisions against Russia".

"Members express concern about the spread of disinformation and call on the Serbian authorities and the European Commission to fight disinformation, Russian propaganda and other hybrid threats in the Western Balkans", the press release said.

"EU accession is Serbia’s strategic decision. We need to see it treated strategically by political leadership in Serbia. It is therefore important that Serbia moves towards the EU, not sideways", Bilcik concluded.

"After the April 2022 elections and Russia’s war of aggression, there is a real sense that our partners in Serbia must move forward decisively on their European path. Our report reflects factually on the complex political reality in Serbia and encourages all pro-European forces in the country to focus fully on progress in rule of law reforms, the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and alignment with EU international positions", Bilcik said.

Adopted at the plenary session, the report of the European Parliament took the form of a resolution, which is not legally binding, but still represents political guidelines for the country in the process of European integration.

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