Ukraine: "It would be finished in almost two to three days"; Explosions in Kharkiv

The hundred-sixth day of the war in Ukraine.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 09.06.2022.


Foto: Profimedia

Ukraine: "It would be finished in almost two to three days"; Explosions in Kharkiv

Ninety percent of Lugansk territory is under the Russian army's contorol, states the governor of that area in East Ukraine.

Luhansk regional governor Serhiy Gaidai says Russian forces strategic city in Luhansk area, Sievierodonetsk, is held under their control, while the industrial zone is still in the hands of the Ukrainian army, as well as neighboring Lysychansk.

While in the East, Ukraine continue to fight, President Zelensky warns that the most difficult winter since Ukraine gained independence is in front of the country. It will not sell gas and coal abroad, and all domestic production will be directed to meet the needs of Ukraine citizens.

Fierce struggles on the streets of Sievierodonetsk

On the streets of Sievierodonetsk, the city in eastern Ukraine, there was fierce fighting, and Russian forces destroyed "everything that can be used for defense," said Regional Governor Serhiy Gaidai.

Gaidai stated that Russia shells areas of the city which are still under Ukraine's control, reports Reuters. According to him, Ukrainian forces will be able to "clean" the city when they get a large range artillery.

DNR: The fight for Slavyansk is underway

The Headquarters of the Territorial Defense of the Self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) announced that they were in the course of the fight for Slavyansk.

The headquarters states that the forces of self-proclaimed DNR, with the support of the Russian army, control more than 230 settlements in Donbas, reports Ria Novosti.

Ukraine: Western arms would end Sievierodonetsk fight 'in 2-3 days'

Kharkiv shelled again

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