Former President of the Montenegrin Supreme Court arrested

Former President of the Supreme Court of Montenegro Vesna Medenica was arrested late last night at the Airport in Golubovci, according to Montenegrin media.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 18.04.2022.


Former President of the Montenegrin Supreme Court arrested

Former President of the Montenegrin Supreme Court arrested

The news was confirmed to "Vijesti" and "Vijesti" Television from several sources from the Police Administration.

According to reliable information, Medenica was detained due to a well-founded suspicion that she committed two criminal acts - creation of a criminal organization and abuse of official position, according to the portal Vijesti.

Medenica was reportedly arrested after handing over travel documents to border police officers. She spent the night in the Security Center in Podgorica, and today she is expected to be brought to the competent Special Prosecutor's Office.

In February, the special state prosecutor's office received transcripts from Europol of conversations between Vesna Medenica's son, Miloš and Darko Lalović, his mother's long-term bodyguard. After the selection of calls was made, it was officially confirmed in March that Medenica used an encrypted phone through which he contracted drug smuggling from Colombia, as well as cigarette smuggling.

In those conversations, Medenica revealed that his mother was aware of his corrupt business and that she would protect them if needed, Vijesti writes. After receiving selected talks, the Special State Prosecutor's Office formed a case against Miloš Medenica and marked him as one of the organizers of the criminal group.

Vesna Medenica was the head of the Supreme Court of Montenegro for 17 years, until her resignation at the end of 2020.

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