Vučić: "I believe in victory in the first round; Jokić personally signed his support"

SNS leader and candidate for the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, responds to the propaganda of the opposition, which is being spread before the elections

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 31.03.2022.


Printskrin: Instagram/buducnostsrbijeav

Vučić: "I believe in victory in the first round; Jokić personally signed his support"

The candidate of the Serbian Progressive Party in the upcoming elections, Aleksandar Vučić, is hosted on RTS in the show "Oko".

"I am the only one who hadn't taken up this time," said Vucic. After that, Vučić commented on the meeting with the new U.S. Ambassador.

"I believe that there will be even stronger attempts for our bilateral cooperation, and how we will resolve the Kosovo issue remains to be seen," he said.

He said that he was grateful to Sergei Lavrov for his kind words about Serbia and that everyone was welcome in Serbia.

"At this moment, we are one hundred percent dependent on Russian gas, it is a question of employment of our people, it is a question that reflects on everything," said Vucic.

Sanctions on Russia?

"Serbia came out with its position, which was very precise. We reacted thoughtfully, wisely, responsibly and seriously. There will be pressure, but Serbia is a serious country and will react accordingly," he said.

"I think it is in our mutual interest for Serbia to progress on the European path, but we are not a member of the EU and we must take into account our interests. Even Chancellor Scholz says that they cannot live without Russian gas, then they must understand one small Serbia and a very specific position of Serbia", said Vučić.

"NIS has already fallen under EU sanctions, we are looking for solutions. On May 15, we can no longer import oil if it stays like this, but we are negotiating with the EU, we will find a solution," he added.


"I guess I am the most nervous prior to these elections than ever before. I believe I will win in the first round, I would be sad if I don't get 60 percent of votes," he said.

"If you are not able to raise the ladder for yourself and ask for more, then you will not succeed. Everyone who came to the debates in this campaign, everyone campaigned against me and one party, and we did not speak badly about anyone, we dealt only with their programs and political agendas", he explained.

"We chose this road because we have done a lot for our country, we have built many clinical centers, 30 hospitals are either being built or have been built... We are building the Miloš Veliki highway, the Belgrade-Novi Sad highway, we are continuing towards Subotica, towards Nis, new stadiums, metro in Belgrade...", announced the presidential candidate of the Serbian Progressive Party. "These results are something that deserves trust, so we believe in a good result. I expect over 2 million votes in the first round, although I lost 55 thousand votes in Kosovo and Metohija in advance," Vucic said.

He said that SNS would have 126 MPs almost certainly in the parliament, and added that for the majority in Belgrade, it depends on who will pass the census, but he believes in that. Vučić showed a document confirming that basketball player Nikola Jokić supported his candidacy in the elections. As he said, he suffers attacks and criticism because of that, but it is true.

"We are currently one of the three countries shortlisted for one of the largest factories in the auto industry, that would be tens of thousands of employees," he said.

"We have convincingly the best conditions to offer, and only if everything is in order politically and around Ukraine, that is the only thing that worries us. I believe that we will find out the details about that in 2-3 months," he said.

"Belgrade Waterfront has changed the city... When you build the subway, it changes Belgrade, those three lines cover almost the entire city, it means a lot to traffic infrastructure, employment, higher GDP," he said.

Vučić pointed out that for 5 years he was the proudest man in the world because he worked the best he could for his country.

"In 5 years, we will have a railway to Subotica, maybe a fully completed railway to Nis, a highway to Montenegro, a railway to Montenegro, the Karadjordje highway... Salaries will be higher, pensions will be higher," he announced.

"Sapic will be the mayor if we win, we are not playing with that. I am satisfied with the results of Ana Brnabic, we will see who will be the next prime minister," he said. It should be reminded that in the previous days, the opposition made claims that false invitations to vote in the elections on April 3 were being printed.

The vice president of the Assembly of Serbia and the high ranking official of the SNS, Vladimir Orlić, answered that yesterday.

"As far as we know, they were made and distributed by Vuk Jeremic and Dragan Djilas. They are phantom voters," he said, adding that journalists should ask the opposition to clarify whether it is true or not that they have three times more controllers, members of polling stations, delegated by the opposition, than by the parliamentary majority.

"Now they are trying to challenge the elections, because it is completely clear to them how they will fare in the elections and that is why they are printing phantom ballots and waving with them," Orlic told reporters.

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