Corona numbers rise - over 2.000 newly infected

According to the latest information, 2.211 new cases of COVID have been registered in Serbia, while 17 patients have died.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 14.03.2022.


Corona numbers rise - over 2.000 newly infected
Foto: Depositphotos/oksun70

Corona numbers rise - over 2.000 newly infected

At the moment, there are 63 people on respirators, while the number of all COVID patients who are being treated in hospitals throughout Serbia is 1.104.

In the last 24 hours, 14.386 samples were tested.

Since the outburst of the pandemic, the total number of infected is 1.942.727, and the number of dead is 15.604.

The mortality rate is 0.80 percent.

Let us remind you, the team for schools of the Ministry of Education announced today that from today, students from all primary and secondary schools will follow classes directly in schools.

The statement states that due to the current epidemiological situation, the use of protective masks is recommended for all employees, students and third parties during their stay at the school indoors.

"It is necessary to continue the intensified application of measures of general and personal hygiene - hand washing and disinfection, and especially to take care of regular ventilation and disinfection of all rooms where students and school staff stay," the statement reads.

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