Vučić: "There will be another investment, a lot of money's in question" VIDEO / PHOTO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, visited the works on the construction of the new factory of the company Mint in Šabac, after which he went to Loznica.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 10.03.2022.



Vučić: "There will be another investment, a lot of money's in question" VIDEO / PHOTO

"I passed through here a few months ago and it didn't look like this. It's amazing how big the hall is. I'm really happy, it's 30.000 square meters, it's big. An investment of 50 million euros," President pointed out in Sabac.

He also announced that the Ruma-Sabac highway would be completed in a year and a half.

"This morning we checked, the Ruma-Sabac highway will be complete in a year and a half, and the bridge here will be ready before the end of the year," Vucic said.

He said that the factory hall being built by the Mint in Sabac is very large and that it will cover 30.000 square meters. He learned that the Mint will have 800 workers in three factories, and pointed out that it is very important that we can open factories at this time and think about the development of the country.

"Many thanks to our Chinese partners," Vucic said.
He added that large investments in Sabac would not have been realized if the state had not given large subsidies.

President pointed out that reindustrialization is important for the stay of citizens in Serbia, but also pointed out the great democratic crisis, the lack of population. They say we have 80.000 people in Loznica, we have that number of people registered, but not living there. If you look at the Podrinje district, starting from Loznica, Ljubovija, Mali Zvornik, through Krupanj, Radjevina, when you add it all up, this is altogether around 130.000 people. That is a very small number of people", he said.

Vučić said that usually, regarding demography, the problem in eastern Serbia is constantly mentioned, while western Serbia is forgotten. "That's why reindustrialization is important, because when they have work, people will be willing to stay," he underlined.

He also thanked the company Mint for their help in the development of the Macva district, and the hosts informed him that the works on the plant he visited today will be completed in June, and production will begin in August. He pointed out that everything is possible when people work, and cited as an example the company Bizerba International, which is being built and will start production by the end of the year.

"The Chinese are very efficient. Mint has a great interest because it supplies the world's largest car manufacturers with parts, makes aluminum parts for roofs, doors. They play a significant role in the chain for major world manufacturers," he underlined, adding that everything will be exported through this production line. Vučić said that Serbia is not yet able to make its own car.

"Even much bigger nations are not able to make their own cars. But we have become the seat of the world car industry. Wherever you go, you will see many parts where it says 'made in Serbia'. It is not yet time to produce a car ourselves. That is why we occupy an important place in the global division of labor in the automotive industry", he concluded.

Vučić also talked to the workers who welcomed him and thanked them for their hard work.
Mint will produce components for electric cars in Sabac.

It is planned to employ up to 200 workers in this production plant, and the deadline for the completion of works is June this year. The factory covers 11 hectares and the entire investment costs 50 million euros. Work began in July 2021. This is the largest foreign investment in Sabac in the past two decades. The company recently bought another plot of 10 hectares, where it plans to build a new factory, 46 million euros worth.

The arrival of Mint in Sabac will be an incentive for other foreign investors, and the work in the production of components for electric cars in the future will contribute to environmental protection. The city of Sabac has two industrial zones, of which the Northwest covers 600 hectares and is the largest in Serbia. There are currently 35 companies operating there.

With the construction of the fast road towards Loznica and the section of the highway Sabac - Ruma, it will be the fastest connection with Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska, but also with Novi Sad and Belgrade.

Mint opens automotive factory in Loznica

The Chinese company Mint is opening a factory for the production of car parts in Loznica today, in the presence of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

Upon arrival at the factory, the president held a meeting with the company's management, after which he will visit the plants. Representatives of the company thanked the President of Serbia for coming to the ceremony of putting it into operation. Vučić said that he was happy to be in Loznica today and that another factory was opening in our country.

"This looks amazing. There are people from BMW, Toyota and Renault. The Mint will have two factories in Serbia with 1.800 people, although they say it will go to 3.000. It will go with a new aluminum factory, a new investment, a lot of money in question, but I can't say how much", said Vucic.

He pointed out that this is very important for the recovery of Loznica and the whole region. Vučić then addressed those present at the ceremony. He especially thanked President Xi Jinping and Chinese friends who have always promoted good relations between our two countries.

"There were 12.000 people working in Visnica in Loznica. We didn't have any factories except socks, there was no hope, and then we started thinking about how to build Loznica and the whole district. Except for the Ruma-Sabac highway and the Sabac-Loznica highway, it is very important that we continue to invest and develop. Loznica will also have a fantastic stadium, over 30 million euros, huge changes in the city. I hope we will be able to keep people and strengthen the whole of western Serbia," said the president.

He reminded that the Mint has production at dozens of locations in the world. "When you say Tokyo, Detroit, Munich, and then you add Loznica and Sabac - it sounds nice," the president said, and then stated what will be produced in this factory.

"Mint also presented a master business plan that envisages 100 million euros. It was confirmed to me that a new factory will be opened in Loznica. It will expand production and employ a large number of people. I am happy to announce this because I think this is the most important news. And our Japanese friend, who works with the Mint, will open a hotel in Banja Koviljaca," Vucic said.

He pointed out that today he had the opportunity to talk to representatives of BMW, Renault and Toyota. "I asked them to look at Serbia in the future as well, that we are ready to be good hosts for their future investments as well. It is our job to preserve peace, stability, financial stability and the economy," the president said.

He pointed out that he was grateful to his Chinese friends for not hiding their good relationship with Serbia, and pointed out that Serbia is a sincere friend of China. "You can always count on that. Not only are interests always dominant, but there must be something more than that. Thank you for helping people see hope and a future for themselves again," Vucic said, inviting other partners present, such as Germany, Japan, to have Serbia in mind.

"We are not a day late with payments, we fulfill everything on time and I think that is the greatest strength of Serbia." Vučić then, answering questions from journalists, pointed out that Serbia has no shortages.

"Because of the hysteria that arose, we spent seven million tons of fuel, which is an all-time record. That is when you have rudeness, irresponsibility and ruthlessness of certain people. And did we have shortages after that? No. There are no shortages of any cereals, no products. We have everything", the president pointed out.

Vučić pointed out that some criticize the Government for stopping something that would affect all citizens. This is one of the largest investments in Serbia and the largest investment in Loznica, which will produce components for battery housings for electric vehicles, as well as decorative aluminum elements for car bodies.

The cornerstone for the construction of the factory was laid in April 2019. The factory in the Sepak industrial zone covers an area of 110.000 square meters and currently has 516 employees. As previously announced, the factory will initially employ 300 workers and later additional 700. The investment is worth about 100 million euros and is being realized in two phases. The Mint Group previously had production at about 30 locations in China, Thailand and Mexico and supplied parts to major carmakers that have an 80 percent market share.

It has exported to Australia, Europe, North America, Japan and Southeast Asia.

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