Secret documents "surfaced": Ukraine designed military operation in Donbas for March

Russia's Ministry of Defense announced today that it had received secret documents confirming that Ukraine was preparing a military operation in Donbas in March

Izvor: Sputnik

Wednesday, 09.03.2022.


Secret documents

Secret documents "surfaced": Ukraine designed military operation in Donbas for March

The special operation of the Russian army in Ukraine prevented and thwarted the comprehensive offensive of the strike groups of the Ukrainian army on LNR and DNR, which is planned for March this year, said the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Igor Konashenkov.

"During the special military operation, secret documents of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine came into the possession of Russian soldiers. These documents confirm the secret preparation of the Kyiv regime for the offensive operation in Donbas in March 2022," said ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov at a press conference, adding that it was done on the secret order of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, Liutenant-General Mykola Balan, from January 22, 2022", reports Interfax.

As it is stated, it was planned that the combat coordination of Ukrainian nationalists would be completed by February 28, in order to ensure the realization of combat tasks as part of the Ukrainian "Joint Forces Operation" in Donbas. Russia's military department has published a document confirming that the Kyiv regime was preparing an offensive operation in Donbas in March.

"The Ministry of Defense of Russia is publishing the original of the secret order of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Mykola Balan, from January 22, 2022," Konashenkov said. According to him, it was ordered to "organize the preparation of the battalion tactical group of the 4th Brigade of the operational purpose of the National Guard of Ukraine to perform combat (special) tasks in the Joint Forces operation within the brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." The document was sent to the heads of the northern Kyiv, southern Odessa and western territorial administrations of the National Guard of Ukraine.

"The order which was passed to the command of the administrative body of the National Guard of Ukraine describes in detail the plan of preparation of one of the strike groups for offensive actions in the zone of the so-called 'Joint Forces operation' in Donbas," the general said. Konashenkov also said that the unit of the Ukrainian airborne assault force, which is planned to be engaged in Donbas, has been trained by American and British instructors in Lviv since 2016 according to the "NATO standards" training program.

He also states that the question of the involvement of the USA and NATO in the planning of the operation of Ukraine for the attack on Donbas remains unclear for now.

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