Today, Vučić presents Serbia's position on the crisis in Ukraine

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will address the nation on the occasion of the Ukrainian crisis and present Serbia's position on the Ukrainian crisis.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 25.02.2022.


Today, Vučić presents Serbia's position on the crisis in Ukraine

Today, Vučić presents Serbia's position on the crisis in Ukraine

The session of the National Security Council, the third this week, which will discuss the situation in the region and Ukraine, will be held today at 4 PM.

On Thursday, the President of Serbia chaired the National Security Council and exchanged information with the members of the Council on the situation in the region and in Ukraine, and he also attended the session of the Government of Serbia.

Vučić also talked about the crisis in Ukraine with Ambassadors of Quint countries and the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, and had consultations with many presidents and prime ministers around the world, so that Serbia could make the best decisions in accordance with its own national interests.

Our state is also preparing a precise document in which the attitudes and policies of Serbia will be defined.

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