Vučić from Madrid: "It is clear that Spain will not recognize Kosovo's independence"

After meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Serbian President addressed the public saying Spain's position on Kosovo and Metohija remains unchanged

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 23.02.2022.


Vučić from Madrid:

Vučić from Madrid: "It is clear that Spain will not recognize Kosovo's independence"

"It is clear that Spain will not recognize the independence of Kosovo, it remains with its position, it respects the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia," Vucic said.

"I thanked for the opening of the fourth cluster of the EU. We will continue to strengthen our relations. I believe that this year we will have the opportunity to host the Spanish king, which has never happened," Vucic said.

Vučić revealed that he talked with the Prime Minister of Serbia last night, adding that Serbia will come out with details about the problem of Kosovo and Metohija in the next 48 hours.

"Serbia remembers well the year 1999, when those whose mouths are full of respect for rights today did not think like that in the year 1999, when it came to our country," Vucic said.

"I take blows every day, if you are in politics, if you want to represent a sovereign country, which is small but strong... You have to suffer. They beat our country as they arrived, and in the First and Second World Wars", Vučić said, adding: "You have entered the ring, to keep the peace of your country, to keep vital interests."

He added that some people want Serbia to give up everything it has built. "I am not interested in talking about those people who are going against their country," Vucic said.

"German Minister of Foreign Affairs has announced that she is coming to Serbia. Germany is our very important partner and is always welcome," Vucic said.

"Am I happy with the statements of Viola von Cramon? No, I'm not... Am I happy with the statement that they kept the Albanians in Kosovo from genocide? I did not... I have no expectations, I never met Viola von Cramon... I am not the one attacked there, but Serbia. They are not saying that I am stupid, ugly, grumpy, but they are talking about Serbian politics", Vucic said.

He explained that he does not agree with many statements of officials about Serbia, but that he always represents the interests of Serbia at meetings and that it is above all.

Speaking about kindergartens, Vučić points out that a solution has not been found yet, and it is being sought because it is important for the citizens. More children will go to kindergarten, we will socialize them. There will be no dropping out of school, no matter what they tell me about legal obligations. Parents will have more children, they will have time for themselves. These incentives are due to environments where people want more children, and it is very important. We hope that it will make progress in Vracar and other municipalities in Serbia. We want to help women, mothers in their professional activities, in order to fulfill and achieve their career dreams," he said. As he says, the opposition is attacking, because they have nothing else to say.

Speaking about the attacks of the opposition and Miroslav Aleksić on the trains of Serbia, Vučić says that they can travel on the Belgrade-Novi Sad railway in 15 days, adding that it was done for them as well. As he stated, the most important message is that Serbia will preserve peace in the region.

"We want to preserve peace, stability and the only thing we are interested in is the economic progress of Serbia," Vučić concluded. Vučić thanked Spain for the support it provides to Serbia.

"Many thanks to Spain for the support it provides to Serbia," Vucic wrote on Instagram.

Later, Vučić published a photo with the Spanish Prime Minister and wrote: "I am very grateful to Sanchez for the hospitality and meeting. Long live the friendship between Serbia and Spain."

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