The Hague revolt: "It says Kosovo and Metohija, but it should not"

The trial of former KLA leaders has begun at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Tuesday, 11.01.2022.


The Hague revolt:
Shutterstock/Milan Adzic

The Hague revolt: "It says Kosovo and Metohija, but it should not"

During the interrogation, Nasim Haradinaj pointed out that he saw court documents in which it says "Kosovo and Metohija", which, as he emphasized, should not happen, reports Koha.

"I was unjustly arrested because the court did not have a warrant. I saw that the name 'Kosovo and Metohija' is used in the documents. If this is the Kosovo court, that name should not be used," he said.

It is expected that at this hearing, the defense should start presenting evidence in the case of Nasim Haradinaj.

The last hearing in this case was held on December 15 last year, and the defense of Nasim Haradinaj stated in its introductory speech before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague that Haradinaj did not obstruct the investigation or the work of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office.

Hysni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj were arrested on September 25, 2020, on suspicion of committing crimes against the administration of justice and obstructing officials in the performance of official duties, intimidating witnesses, taking revenge and violating the secrecy of the proceedings.

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