State of emergency in Kosovo

Parliament of the so-called Kosovo has declared a state of emergency.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Wednesday, 29.12.2021.


State of emergency in Kosovo
Shutterstock/Milan Adzic

State of emergency in Kosovo

Thus, this institution supported the decision of the Government on emergency measures to limit energy supply, reports Koha.

The decision, which means that the reduction of energy supply is becoming legal, was adopted with 57 votes of deputies, while 17 abstained. None of those present were against.

Emergency measures due to the energy crisis will be valid for a maximum of 60 days, and include the introduction of restrictions in the supply of energy to consumers and the imposition of special obligations on energy companies.

The decision envisages the formation of the Emergency Technical Commission in order to determine and submit recommendations to the Minister of Economy. The commission has the task of recommending the implementation of measures to address the negative effects of the economic crisis. Following the recommendations, the Ministry should publish mandatory restrictive measures.

The Assembly may extend the emergency measures for another 30 days.

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