"Unification of Albania and Kosovo more likely if we stay outside the EU"

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that unification with Kosovo is more likely to happen if they remain without membership in the EU than after accession.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Saturday, 30.10.2021.



"Unification of Albania and Kosovo more likely if we stay outside the EU"

In an interview with the German daily the Münchner "Merkur", Rama says that possible conflicts in the Western Balkans would be stopped if the countries of the region join the EU. He cited Ireland as an example.

"Recent tensions in northern Kosovo cannot be compared to tensions from previous times. In fact, today former adversaries want to join the EU together. Military conflicts arise when countries are isolated, not in a community. Remember the positive developments brought about by Franco-German relations, or the case of Ireland. The risk of the EU bringing conflict into their homes is almost zero. Unification with Kosovo? Such mental games are much more likely outside the EU than inside it," Rama said.

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