Milanovic: You wouldn't believe it

Milanovic stated that he considers Milorad Dodik's initiative that officials from Turkey, Serbia and Croatia should discuss the future of BiH well-intentioned.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 30.08.2021.


Milanovic: You wouldn't believe it
EPA-EFE/ Antonio Bat

Milanovic: You wouldn't believe it

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that the Dayton Agreement, whose guarantors are Croatia and Serbia, did not fail, but, he pointed out, it was not respected.

"I interpret it (the initiative), you will not believe it, in good faith. Certain political options in Bosnia-Herzegovina accuse Croatia of criminal enterprise, two members of the Presidency do it - a representative of Bosniaks and a representative of Croats," Milanovic told reporters, Croatian media reported.

Milanovic, however, believes that the initiative of the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, is not realistic, because everyone should have accepted it, and that other members of the Presidency should not think the same as Dodik.

He reminded that Alija Izetbegović received the highest decoration and that, he said, was good for them then, and his successors today say that Croatia wants to dismember Bosnia. "We are not asking for much, only what is written in the Dayton Agreement.

It is not realistic because these two (Komsic and Dzaferovic) do not want that," Milanovic said. I think that Dodik simply indicates that this is not sustainable solution", Milanovic said.

On Sunday, Dodik called on Milanovic, together with colleagues from Turkey and Serbia, to mediate in negotiations on the future of Bosnia-Herzegovina, saying that previous international representatives had lost his trust because they represented the interests of Bosniaks.

"If it is possible for us to talk in the constellation Erdogan, Vucic, Milanovic, we will talk. If not, we will see," Dodik told reporters.

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