URA voted against the enthronement of Joanikije in Cetinje; "The cleverer gives in"

Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro and the leader of Civil Movement URA, Dritan Abazović, spoke on the occasion of the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 27.08.2021.


URA voted against the enthronement of Joanikije in Cetinje;

URA voted against the enthronement of Joanikije in Cetinje; "The cleverer gives in"

Abazovic, whose MPs voted today in the Assembly of Cetinje for a ban on the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije or relocation from the Cetinje monastery to another city, claims that he is not in conflict with them.

He welcomed the decision of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral to hold the enthronement ceremony on September 5 in Cetinje without the previously planned national assembly in front of the Cetinje Monastery.

"In this way, Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral (MCP) has contributed to peace and stability and the preservation of the epidemiological situation in Montenegro. I think it is in the spirit of Orthodoxy to spread love and solidarity... There is the popular 'smarter concessions'. Maybe this is a wise decision in all this", said Abazovic.

He called on all citizens to contribute to September 4 and 5 to pass peacefully. He said that the state is there to guarantee everyone constitutional and legal rights.

"People who want to protest can do it, but in a peaceful way with the prescribed procedure. People who want to perform religious rites can do it, of course not at the expense of endangering anyone," Abazovic said during a tour of the highway to Boljar.

Abazovic claims that he is not in collision with other members of United Reform Action (URA), some of whom appealed for the enthronement to be held outside Cetinje.

"MCP got a Metropolitan and they can do the act of enthronement where they want. It is not up to the state to arbitrate on that... Colleagues from Cetinje appealed in good faith, given the tense atmosphere in that city and the feeling that something bad might happen due to growing tensions, so that it would be very wise and smart to hold it somewhere else", Abazović said, as Podgorica's Vijesti reported.

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