"Belgrade to take serious action"

The deadline from the Washington Agreement, by which Belgrade and Pristina committed themselves not to lobby for new (de)recognitions, expires on September 4th.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Friday, 27.08.2021.



"Belgrade to take serious action"

Analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic says for Kosovo online that Belgrade has no reason to wait for Pristina's good will, but needs to take serious action after the deadline.

"Serious action, first of all, implies lobbying for new derecognitions, and on the other hand, if Albanians introduce taxes, economic countermeasures", Andjelkovic said.

He emphasized that Pristina is constantly violating the Washington Agreement and lobbying for new recognitions in various ways, that is, sabotaging economic cooperation, and it has also not implemented the Brussels Agreement so far.

"We must activate lobbying in order to revoke the recognitions, because if Pristina does not want an agreement, then we must also act in our interest. Also, we have to prepare for serious measures in the field of economic counter-sanctions, if Pristina introduces the economic taxes that it announced again", said Andjelkovic.

He believes that it would be masochistic for Serbia to suffer and wait again, and in that case Belgrade must introduce a complete traffic blockade when it comes to passenger and goods traffic, and to act in other ways against Pristina's economic interests, if it introduces taxes.

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