EU responds to Serbia: Pristina has violated the agreement

EU spokesman Peter Stano said that in the case of Ivan Todosijevic, the Kosovo court did not respect what was agreed by the Brussels agreement from 2013.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 25.08.2021.


EU responds to Serbia: Pristina has violated the agreement
Foto: Shutterstock/Novikov Aleksey

EU responds to Serbia: Pristina has violated the agreement

"It was agreed that the Court of Appeals in Pristina establish a panel made up of the majority of Serbian judges when it comes to verdicts within the majority Serb communities. In this case, that was not respected," Stano said.

An EU spokesman reminds Pristina that the Brussels agreement is still in force and that as a "cornerstone for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, it must not be violated."

"The EU expects both sides to implement all agreements reached in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. We also expect both sides to constructively contribute to reaching a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations," Stano said.

He states that any denial or revisionism of the events that took place during the conflicts in the Western Balkans in the 1990s is "contrary to EU values and the project of integration of the Western Balkans into the EU".

"We call on everyone to show restraint out of respect for the victims and work on an honest and true assessment of the past. The region needs reconciliation, stability and normalization of relations," Stano concluded in a statement given to Tanjug.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on the verdict against Serb Ivan Todosijevic, who was sentenced to two years in prison by a court in Pristina for his statement about Racak.

The Court of Appeals of Kosovo confirmed the verdict of the Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina, according to which the member of the Kosovo Assembly from the Serbian List, Ivan Todosijevic, was sentenced to two years in prison for statements he made about Albanians and events in Racak.

The reason for the indictment was Todosijevic's statement on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the bombing of FR Yugoslavia, when he stated at the commemoration of the day of the bombing in Zvecan:

"The reason for the aggression on our country was the so-called humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo and Metohija, the fictional Racak, and it was those Shqiptar terrorists who invented it all who committed the greatest crimes in Kosovo and Metohija, for which no one has been held accountable to this day. They committed crimes before the NATO aggression, killed good Serbian hosts at their workplace. They continued their bloody feast during the aggression, and after that with the arrival of the so-called peace mission in Kosovo and Metohija".

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