No details yet regarding Erdogan's visit to Montenegro

The program of the first official visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Montenegro, announced for August 28, is still being harmonized.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 25.08.2021.


No details yet regarding Erdogan's visit to Montenegro
Foto: Tanjug/Turkish Presidency via AP, Pool

No details yet regarding Erdogan's visit to Montenegro

It is still unknown who he will meet.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs unofficially told Podgorica's Vijesti that they do not have any details yet. Ahead of the visit of the Turkish president to Montenegro, the reis of the Islamic Community, Rifat Fejzić, says that it is expected that the state will benefit economically from that visit and strengthen cooperation with Turkey.

In a statement for Podgorica's Vijesti, Fejzic said that relations between the two countries are friendly and that their partnership, due to NATO membership, is unquestionable”.

"Many students from Montenegro, of all faiths and nations, received scholarships from the Turkish government. Talking about the investments of the Turkish government agency - TIKA - is superfluous... I think there is no municipality in Montenegro where TIKA has not done something. Many surrounding countries have benefited economically by cooperating with Turkey, so I expect Montenegro to benefit from Erdogan's visit. I certainly expect more intensive cooperation between the two countries," Fejzic said.

Asked whether he would meet with Erdogan, Fejzic replied that he could not reveal the details of the Turkish president's visit. Representatives of Bosniak parties in Montenegro expect to meet with Erdogan. As previously announced, Erdogan will arrive in Sarajevo on Friday, where he will meet with members of the Bosnia-Herzegovina's Presidency and attend the wedding of the daughter of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic.

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