This morning's collapse on the borders of Serbia

Due to the holiday season, which is just heating up at some border crossings, at the entrance and exit from Serbia, huge crowds have been created.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 30.06.2021.


This morning's collapse on the borders of Serbia
Ilustracija: EPA-EFE/ Wojtek Jargilo

This morning's collapse on the borders of Serbia

According to the information of the Border Police Administration, at 5:15 a.m., passenger vehicles are waiting at the entrance at Horgos for five hours, and at Kelebija at the exit for four hours.

Trucks are waiting for 240 minutes at the exit in Batrovci, and 360 minutes at Sid, AMSS announced.

Drivers can expect very warm weather even today, so they should take more frequent breaks while driving, advises AMSS.

The holiday season affects the growing number of traffic participants, as well as the possibility of a larger number of traffic accidents, AMSS notes. The construction season is in full swing on the roads, the construction of new sections is in progress, but we are also working on replacing the dilapidated layers of asphalt.

According to the latest information obtained from the Public Company "Roads of Serbia", there are no vehicle retentions at toll stations.

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