"These are people who killed and tortured... Citizens, trust your police" VIDEO

After the arrest of 17 people suspected of the most serious crimes, an emergency press conference was held. "They were hiding behind Partizan fans"

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 04.02.2021.


Tanjug/Rade Preliæ/Arhiva

"These are people who killed and tortured... Citizens, trust your police" VIDEO

We are determined for Belgrade to be a safe city and to show what we are and that no criminal organizations, perhaps stronger than the "Zemun clan", will ever endanger the safety of our children, head of the Belgrade Police Department stated.

Deputy chief of the Criminal police directorate (UCP) and acting head of the Service for combatting Organized Crime (SBPOK), Ninoslav Cmolić, said that this morning's action of arresting an organized criminal group, which was hiding behind the Partizan fan group, showed that there are no protected people in the country and that no criminal organizations will be tolerated.
Criminal group that was broken up this morning is responsible for a series of the most monstrous crimes, perhaps in the last few decades. This group hid behind the Partizan fan group all the time, but they are not fans at all, but ordinary criminals. We will prove the individual role of each of them, and we will not tolerate any types of crime", Cmolic said.

He said that the action was planned for months and said that the state will "take care" of every criminal group in the same way as with this one.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Vulin, also thanked the Prosecutor's Office, the head of the BIA and everyone who participated in last night's action because they were persistent and did not give up because there are many sleepless nights behind this action.

Vulin said that 17 people got arrested, as well as that they were people who killed, kidnapped, tortured, who committed acts that are difficult to talk about. He also said that everyone laughed when the President of Serbia said a hundred days ago that organized crime would experience a serious blow, and now they are not laughing.

He also pointed out that Serbia is a serious country that will not allow the re-creation of a criminal clan that will think it is stronger than the state.

As this is a large-scale operation, Vulin pointed out, it is not excluded that some crimes are not known, so Vulin called on citizens to contact them if they have any information about crimes related to the arrested group.

"Citizens of Serbia, trust your police, the system that guards and protects you and that will always do that," Vulin concluded.

It should be reminded that it was previously announced that 16 people suspected of the most serious crimes were arrested in the operation conducted by the Ministry of the Interior and the Security Information Agency (BIA) during the night and in the morning hours.

The media reported that Veljko Belivuk, also known as Velja Nevolja, was among those arrested.

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