The new Government of the Republic of Serbia has been composed

227 deputies of the Assembly of Serbia voted for the new government, while five of them were against. There were no abstentions.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 28.10.2020.


The new Government of the Republic of Serbia has been composed

The new Government of the Republic of Serbia has been composed

Prime-Minister designate for the composition of the new government, Ana Brnabić, has already presented her exposés and introduced the members of the cabinet, and as announced by the President of the Republic Parliament, Ivica Dačić, the voting took place tonight at around 8 pm, after which the Prime Minister and ministers took the oath.

The proposal for the composition of the new government was submitted to the Assembly of Serbia on Tuesday, and then there were several doubts for the public, such as the question of who will be the new Minister of Education and who will be the Minister of Health. The list of new ministers, which will be discussed in the Assembly today, is known after the presentation of the prime minister designate.

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